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E-commerce Cannabis Delivery

August 3, 2022
Rachel Ludwig

As the cannabis industry continues to grow, payment platforms want to give dispensaries and eCommerce cannabis delivery services the ability to operate like any other retailer. Until recently, cannabis payments could only be made in cash at the storefront. Customers find themselves wondering, “do dispensaries take credit card?” But national laws against marijuana restrain dispensaries from operating competitively and don’t allow the legal use of card payments. Customers also wonder, “Is there cannabis delivery near me, and how can I pay for it?” Now, thanks to bank-to-bank transfers, such as Aeropay, dispensaries can offer their customers a cash-free and card-free payment option while streamlining their business operations. Businesses expect Aeropay to increase their revenue, and customers save money and a trip to the ATM – it’s a win, win. 

Contactless Delivery 

One of Aeropay’s key benefits is the ability to offer dispensaries contactless delivery cannabis payments. Customers are able to order online and pay ahead of time without having to worry about having the correct cash on hand for their order. Customers have a higher spending rate with bank-to-bank transfers than while they’re paying with cash. This type of convenience keeps customers coming back – 75% of customers who pay with Aeropay, use the platform to purchase at the same dispensary again. 

Offering eCommerce cannabis delivery payments is a game changer – not only is it free for the customer and more convenient for all parties, but eCommerce cannabis adoption rates are at an all-time high post-pandemic, and these trends are expected to stay. 

Ability to Tip Your Driver

Every day cannabis delivery drivers make sure customers get exactly what they need. Aeropay allows customers to tip their driver as a thank you before they complete their eCommerce cannabis purchase. When customers are at the checkout screen, they can enter an optional tip amount. This feature is optional for the business to decide whether they’d like to have it on or off, but trends show that when your team is happy, your customers will be as well. 

eCommerce Cannabis Integrations

Millennials alone do 60% of their shopping online. Aeropay is integrated with I Heart Jane and many other eCommerce cannabis platforms to enable a one-click checkout experience. Online integrations make it seamless to pay for delivery or pickup orders directly from the dispensary’s checkout page on mobile or web.

Customer Retention

Adopting Aeropay is easy. Customers simply create a profile online, link their bank account, and then pay. Each purchase is made securely and compliantly and is backed by the leading banking program for cannabis businesses, Safe Harbor. Dispensaries have peace of mind knowing their money is safe in a bank that is helping them follow the national legal banking laws. Secure payments for dispensaries can make or break your business. Additionally, all cannabis payments are contactless, which is how customers prefer to shop

Going cashless is more secure for cannabis delivery drivers and customers alike. Cannabis deliveries are an easy target for robberies, as they are known publicly to have large amounts of cannabis and cash on hand. Also, customers can feel more safe having already made the payment online, as sometimes deliveries can turn into something more sinister. Ultimately, eCommerce cannabis payments in advance is more in line with other delivery services in other markets, making the shopping experience more accessible. 

Offering a cannabis delivery service is a tried-and-true method. For example, the largest delivery operators and dispensaries in California use Aeropay to accept contactless payment processing. In every state where cannabis is legal, Aeropay can facilitate delivery payments. All cannabis transactions are carefully accounted for and reported. Providing delivery services opens every dispensary up to an even larger market.


Rachel Ludwig

Marketing & PR Lead
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