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The Evolution of Cannabis Transportation and Digital Payments

November 11, 2022
Robert Braun

A significant pain point for transportation and delivery companies is often finding out how to solve the reliance on ineffective cannabis payment options. In the past, paying for deliveries with cash, checks or credit cards was standard. However, these outdated payment methods made room for error, theft, fraud, and inefficiency. 

Another issue for companies is that they have lacked a smooth-running and reliable system for managing deliveries. Whether it’s tracking operator routes, providing navigation, or running revenue reports, several of these methods just don’t sync up. Finding success proves difficult with this multichannel approach, negatively impacting businesses logistically and financially. 

Thankfully, with recent technological advancements, rapid growth, and newly developed partnerships, companies are finding new ways to revolutionize and streamline cannabis payment processing and operations. Transportation technology and digital payments are the future of cannabis delivery. Delivery businesses are consistently growing by using digital payments and the latest technology in transportation automation, reaching a 30% increase in completed online orders and a 37% increase in repeated customer sales. 

Digital Payment for Cannabis Delivery is the Best Option

Digital payment methods such as ACH or bank-to-bank transfers are the best way to secure payments for dispensaries and other cannabis delivery businesses. Drivers don’t have to worry about handling cash, sliding magstripes on cards, or keeping track of receipts and invoices. The added levels of efficiency allow for quicker, easier transactions, ultimately leading to more orders and returning customers. 

Aeropay offers integrated marijuana payment processing for bank-compliant dispensaries, cannabis eCommerce, and delivery services which helps business owners track all orders and payments conveniently and securely. Customers spending with contactless, digital bank-to-bank transfers enable each transaction to be the safest and most secure. 

Transportation Technology Offers Cannabis Solutions 

Cannabis-specific transportation services are a relatively new development since the increase of legal states across the country, but they are in high demand. Cannabis delivery operations are adapting to the influx and moving quickly to develop new strategies and implement better systems for optimization across all levels of business. 

Companies like CannaHauler use fully automated transportation services explicitly built for cannabis delivery. Business owners can collect, organize, and track everything from driver efficiency and mileage using an app. Routing and navigation tools are also available via an integrated driver app which assists operators with every delivery they make. 

Integrating Automated Transportation and Digital Payment Processing 

Automation is imperative for cannabis manufacturers, dispensaries, and delivery services to stay competitive in today’s booming market. As the industry grows and continually shifts, companies must implement new strategies to modernize operations and stay ahead of the curve. 

Aeropay has teamed up with CannaHauler to optimize cannabis B2B transportation. Through this collaboration CannaHauler will integrate its groundbreaking transportation technology with Aeropay's cannabis-compliant, bank-to-bank payment solution, which will allow cannabis operators to automate product transportation with digital manifests and invoices paid via Aeropay at the time of product drop-off. 

CannaHauler utilizes METRC, the most trusted provider of cannabis regulatory technology systems in the U.S., and makes a digital manifest to solve cannabis transportation's reliance on an inefficient and extensive paper process. Now through Aeropay, CannaHauler offers compliant-ACH functionality for operators, eliminating the need for cash transactions. When selecting Aeropay and CannaHauler, cannabis businesses have a platform to manage delivery and transport with compliant digital payment options.

Pick-up, delivery services and other cannabis businesses can now completely digitize operations in one platform. With this integration, CannaHauler provides cannabis operators with automated product transportation, digital manifests and invoices paid via Aeropay at the time of product drop-off. 

Compliance and security are core values with Aeropay and Cannahauler

Compliance is a must for payment collection. All legal cannabis business entities must be bank-compliant and follow specific regulations, including full transparency in processing transactions. Aeropay works with compliant financial partners and uses a dynamic client vetting process that protects all parties involved, consisting of license holder verification and bank-level encryption for ultimate security and protection.

Protecting companies and payments on both sides of B2B delivery is the highest priority to ensure that all payments and sensitive information are secure. Aeropay and CannaHauler offer cannabis businesses a platform to manage delivery and transport with compliant digital payment options. 

Customers can log into their bank directly through security verification, and business owners only need to provide personal data. Using advanced fraud detection, prevention, and real-time risk assessment, business owners don’t have to worry about their compromised information. 

Integrated digital payments and transportation automation are the way to go for the cannabis supply chain 

By offering a more convenient and risk-free alternative to cash collection, cannabis transportation companies and dispensaries across the sector are finding out how to streamline the supply chain.

If you’re starting a cannabis business, this type of integration should be your first choice. For well-established delivery companies using inefficient methods of tracking orders, managing delivery operators, and collecting payments, it’s time to switch to integrated services using Cannahauler and Aeropay


Robert Braun

Head of Partnerships
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